2nd Semester Week 1: 02/06 - 02/13

During the first week of the second semester, the team claimed a station at the new SPARTAN Superway facility that our team will use throughout the semester. It was required for each team to create a poster that shows which team is using which specific space. Information include team member and roles to help the overall SPARTAN Superway team identify and locate the person they would need to speak to.

Following those, the team discussed future plans that need to be done before Makers Faire, including:
- Finalize CAD designs dimensions with proper tolerances for the case and axle.
- Follow up with the machinist from the Central Shop at SJSU for professional help.
- Follow up with Controls team about the controller bought for our motors.
- After receiving feedbacks from Controls team, the team will do motor testing to determine torque, speed, current, or voltage.


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