Week 12: 11/8 - 11/14
This week's progress: -> Our team received the controller that we purchased from KBL and got it delivered to the controls team. -> We are done with the new shaft design (will be presented during presentation #3). As of now, we are working on the drawing of the motor case. We went over several potential designs with Dr. Furman and we came to an agreement on one of them. -> We are aiming to finish the CAD design for the motor case by this week. Once done, we will send the drawings to MEP for 3D printing. -> We talked to Dr. Furman about recommendations on machine shop, and he suggested the Central Shop at SJSU's College of Engineering. We contacted Central Shop to start a service request, but we are also looking for any other potential machine shops for back-ups. -> We looked into what material our shaft and case would be. We discussed with Dr. Furman about this, and we came to an agreement of using aluminum as the material for shaft and case. We are also...