Week 9: 10/17 - 10/24
This week: -> Got together as a team to work on presentation -> Also meet up with other teams to make sure that all information is up-to-date and the same. -> We are currently in contact with XOFO motors about a recommended motor, since MAC Motor has been unresponsive. -> Ran kinematic simulations on the motor XOFO recommended. -> Calculated outputs of our motor to make sure we have enough output to move bogie Since we have decided to go with another motor: -> Drew preliminary CAD drawings our shaft -> Ran FEA on our designed shaft -> Got an invoice for 6 motors without controller -> Updated Gnatt chart: motors are currently delayed but on schedule for everything else. -> Spoke with Dr. Furman about reducing the number of motors needed in order to save money Next Week: -> Continue CAD design of shaft and motor casing -> Keep in contact with XOFO, MAC Motor, QS, and TDCM about motor -> Purchase Motors (4)